Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Write Your Story with Love

Write Your Story with Love

You are the creator, producer, and star.
Photo by Andrea Picquardio on Pexels

Hello Empowered Wayers!

Like most writers, I was an avid reader growing up.

I used to escape to my hidden hideout to read the next Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew adventure. My secret place was about 10 feet off the ground, in the nook of two branches of the old oak tree in our back yard.

It was my spot — the launching pad of imagination, mystery, and transformation.

That small place became my magic carpet to sacred places (“The Secret Garden”), historical events (“Johnny Tremain”), and beautiful friendships (“My Friend Flicka”).

But it wasn’t until I began writing my own stories that my joy was fulfilled.

Learning to write, not make it right

I never took a creative or fiction writing class. I have been published many times, but when I decided to write fiction, I wanted to control the process.

Little did I know what I didn’t know.

Plot, characters, settings, and dialogue were just a few of the elements I taught myself. The hardest part was identifying the internal and external conflicts that carried the story, forcing the main characters to make difficult decisions, and resolving their struggles in a way that was satisfying.

What I discovered through many drafts is that:

The conflict at the heart of the story is the seed that grows the characters and plot.

I have written diverse stories, but they all have one thing in common. The conflict at the heart of the story sits at the intersection of spirituality, psychology, and energy.

When I trust my inner, intuitive voice as I move through the process of creating new worlds (and people), the words flow from my fingers to the screen. My joy is complete when I have en-joyed a great day of writing and I am excited about the next stage of the story.

When my mind gets in the way, judging and criticizing my work, things fall apart. Inspiration leaves and I want to dump the entire mess into the trash.

But fortunately, something kept me going. Was I trying to resolve the same conflict that my characters face? Or do I enjoy the act of creating?

It could be as Ann Patchett noted,

Writing is a job, a talent, but it’s also the place to go in your head. It is the imaginary friend you drink your tea with in the afternoon.

My hope is that you enjoy the stories I create. My joy comes from hearing how you see the world a bit differently than before you read them.

Meet some of my friends

Very quickly, I would like to highlight three of my books you might find interesting.

I wrote a story about a family who struggled with a dark secret. The mother was at war with herself and the family was falling apart until she learned the value of forgiveness, compassion, and grace. Heart Dancing* is how we are meant to live.

Cover image from Amazon

When you live with a dog, you know that they live in the moment, they don’t hold grudges, and they love with their entire being (tail included). Since these are lessons we could all use, I wrote a book about a dog who shares the secrets about why dogs are so happy. It may be time for you to Drop the Leash*.

Cover image from Amazon

My latest book is about the spiritual side of money. I began to imagine what a Money Tree* would tell me if I started asking questions. As I wrote this book, the answers I shared were also the ones I needed to hear (funny how that works).

Cover image from Amazon

The common theme in my books is the realization that we are made of the same energy - Love. When you allow fear to control your thoughts, Love moves to the background. She is still there, but you have used your free will to choose to see something other than Love.

That choice - between fear or Love — is the conflict every person must resolve to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

You are the Hero of Your Story

You are here for a reason. Even if you have no clue what it is, tell your story in a way that focuses on your growth and transformation, not your mistakes and regrets.

Love is always present but you have to ask her to dance with you in time and space.

The dance can happen in any moment, at any time. It doesn’t matter what mistakes you have made or who you have hurt.

Forgive, bless, and release. Then ask Love to dance with you.

Love will never refuse. She is your willing partner. Ask and receive her grace.

Your story will transform from a drama to a love story.



P. S. I mentioned about my new book, “How to Become a Soulcialist.” Stay tuned for more information about it and when it becomes available!

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Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.