Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Pollution isn't just physical.

Pollution isn't just physical.

It's mental, emotional and spiritual.

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Hello Empowered Wayers!

Today is Earth Day. What that means to you may be different than what it means to me. The theme of 2024 is Planet v. Plastic. To learn more about the theme of Earth Day, go to EarthDay.org.

Everyone cringes when they see videos of plastic-choked beaches, rivers, and streams. Mounds of trash from our throw-away culture. Birds covered in black oil from an oil spill. I could go on but I know you have felt this way.

What we don’t often contemplate is how polluted our inner world has become.

Pollution is outside and inside

It’s easy to spot the external pollution in our physical world. The haze on the horizon or the trash that blows in the street. But what about the pollution in our inner world?

Your thoughts and beliefs carry creative energy that shows up in the external world. When you’re not aware of the type of energy you use to create, you suffer from Spiritual Amnesia.

What are the two types of energy? Fear or Love.

Create with fear energy and notice what happens. Separation, division, silos of beliefs, us v. them, victim-hood. The list goes on but you get the point. Fear energy is the source of our inner pollution.

The pollution of the planet is only an outward reflection of an inner psychic pollution: millions of unconscious individuals not taking responsibility for their inner space. -Eckhart Tolle

When we don’t recognize that we are the cause of the external, nothing changes. No amount of protest, bullying, or cancelling the other is going to change the external world. Why? Because the energy used to protest, bully or cancel is fear-based.

Fear always limits and separates. Fear always divides and conquers. Fear is pollution.

How to move away from fear to love?

First, you become aware of when you use fear to create. Look over the past day and write down when you created as fear. If you don’t have a clue, that’s okay. Write down the things or issues that bother you.

As you gather your list, ask yourself, “Why did I act that way?” Wait for the answer to rise up. At first, your inner critic will give you the reasons for your actions. After it has spoken, ask the question again. “Why did I act that way?” Keep digging until you discover the root emotional energy.

Make it a game. See how many times you can uncover the fear pollution in your thinking and beliefs. You will begin to see patterns of behavior that you have engaged in without thinking.

Now that you are aware of the patterns, it’s time to shift from fear to love.

Move into Love

Discover who you really are as you move into Love. The journey is as long or short as you decide to make it.

I know how I discovered my Love identity-through meditation, journaling, and being open to receive guidance from Divine Love. You may have a different journey, but the point is to take the first step.

I have created many different guided meditations with one purpose: to show you the path home. Please follow me on Insight Timer (you have to create a free account first).

Discover for yourself that you are not stuck or a failure. You just didn’t know that there is another way to live.

Now you do. Today, become Love Consciousness and change your world.

As the pollution in your inner world dissolves into love, watch what happens in your outer world. The shift may not be obvious at first, but as your awareness increases, it will become visible. Because you are seeing through Love Consciousness and expanding it into the world.



PS. My latest book is about to be published. I expand on these themes and share a way to shift your relationship from fear to love. As more people make this choice, the problems in the world will also change.

P.P.S. Please share this post with others as we raise our consciousness to Love.

Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.