Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
A New Look at Money, Abundance, & Wealth

A New Look at Money, Abundance, & Wealth

When you change your perspective, your relationship changes.
Abundant mindset generated by AI

Dear Empowered Wayers:

I learned how to handle money from my father, who grew up during the Great Depression. His favorite mantras included:

· Cash is King; Credit is Queen;

· Money doesn’t come easily.

· You have to work hard for money.

My dad was a successful attorney, and he made several good investments, but he never had a positive relationship with money. When he made money, he was happy for a short time, then he worried about losing it. You can understand his take on money. For most of his childhood and teen years, every night, they never knew if there would be food on the table.

We all learn at the feet of our parents or care-givers. It’s when their perspective no longer works for you that its time to learn about money, wealth, and life on your own.

My hope is to show you another side of money.

My journey to the Energetic Side of Money

I followed the world’s formula to make money for many years. Law school, being a lawyer, climbing up the associate track of large law firms. I made great money, but I wasn’t happy. Something was missing and it showed in my bank account.

I spent my unhappiness.

I bought things, hoping they would fill the hole I felt inside. The promise of a new car, house, or purse was that it would make me happy.

It did for a while, until the old sadness returned.

In a way, I was rebelling against the rigid view of money I learned from my dad. The only problem was that I was sabotaging myself and I didn’t know why.

A friend introduced me to several books about money. After reading the first few pages, I was hooked.

The 3 Money Books that Changed My Life

Photo taken by the Author (with notes still attached)

The first two books opened my mind and heart to being happy first, before I bought anything. The purchase became secondary to the being. This was a revelation and is the basis of my coaching practice.

The last book on the list is the book I wrote during the pandemic. It changed me because I had to dig deep into my personal beliefs about money to offer a new path to the reader.

1. A Happy Pocket Full of Money, by David Cameron Gikandi — This book was first published in 2008, around the same time that The Secret was taking over the internet. The Law of Attraction was the rage, but it only went so far.

Happy Pocket takes you on a metaphysical journey into the heart of money. Because money is a shadow of something else (energy), it responds to your energy. Being wealthy is an internal state that creates outward physically.

Read this book and let me know if you had a seismic shift in your thinking.

2. The Energy of Money, by Maria Nemeth, Ph.D. — the author is a clinical psychologist who became interested in money as energy when she made a bad investment decision and lost all of her savings. It wasn’t until she shared her story in the newspaper that people began coming to her with their own money stories. She began to see patterns in the stories and created a workshop on money, scarcity, and abundance. The workshop became so popular that she decided to write a book about what she teaches.

As Dr. Nemeth observed, “I have found that money is neither spiritual nor nonspiritual. It’s simply energy. It is here to be used wisely, consciously, and with enjoyment.”

There are 12 Principles shared in the book, supported by simple exercises that reinforce the lesson. Identifying the inner blocks, clearing the path, and becoming conscious of your money relationship are valuable stepping stones to finding peace.

3. The Money Tree, by Kathryn Eriksen — When I wrote this book in 2020, I had been a money coach for about two years. As I watched the world stopped spinning, I realized that I could reach more people by writing a parable about the true nature of money. Flow, the Money tree, and Divine Love, became voices in my head as the story unfolded.

I consider The Money Tree to be a channeled work, because I merely took dictation as Divine Love guided and supported Flow on her adventure into time and space. These words didn’t belong to me; rather, they came from beyond my understanding.

The Takeaway

You have your own relationship with money. Childhood beliefs adopted from your parents may still be running the show. Old stories from past mistakes could be influencing you now without you realizing it.

The path to change starts with awareness. That’s why reading and learning more about the nature of money and how it interacts with us is so important.

You are on your own journey with money and wealth. My hope is that one or all of these books may open a new portal in your thinking, that allows the light of love to enter your finances.

To your prosperity,


P.S. Leaving a review on Amazon is priceless to an author. If you do buy any of these books, please take a few minutes to tell others about your experience.

P.P.S. Have you heard about the short ebook I recently published, called “The Abundance Formula”? It’s available for less than $3.00, and the content is priceless.

Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.