Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
There are Only Two Currencies

There are Only Two Currencies

It's up to you to spend them wisely.

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Dear Empowered Wayers:

If you have sent anytime reading the Empowered Way Newsletter (or listening to the podcast), you know I have a different view of the world. I see it from a higher place or perspective. My hope is that you catch a glimpse of this same perspective as you share time with me.

One of the key concepts of the Empowered Way Movement is there are only two currencies.

When you hear the word “currency,” you immediately thought of money, right? But money in any form is just a symbol of value.

It has no value other than what we place on it. A hundred dollar bill doesn’t mean the same to a remote Brazilian tribe as it does to a homeless person. It’s the same piece of paper, but it conforms to the belief of the person holding it.

There are only two currencies of value. They are available to every person on the planet and they are controlled by each man, woman and child. When you accept your role as the curator of your currency, life becomes magical.

What are the two currencies?

Time and energy are the two currencies available to every living, breathing human being.

Every human being has 24 hours in a day. You are given the same amount of time as the geniuses of the world — Einstein, Musk, or Michelangelo.

Every human being has access the same source of energy that a professional athlete does. Michael Phelps, Tom Brady, and Vanessa Williams have harnessed their energy to accomplish great feats of physicality.

It is when your energy and time are focused on an aligned goal that things start to pop.

How to create an aligned goal

A goal is a desired future outcome. Your goals are your conscious decision to move to a different place in the future. You defined goals help shape who you become in time. Think of your goals as you deciding how to use your time currency.

There is another aspect of goals that utilizes the second currency — energy. James Clear, author of the best selling book, “Atomic Habits,” defines a goal to be more than a future outcome. Instead, he adds another component:

Goal setting is not only about choosing the rewards you want to enjoy,

but also the costs you are willing to pay.

The cost you are willing to pay is the energy you are willing to use toward achieving the goal. When your energy currency is aligned with your clearly defined goal (time currency), you become unstoppable.

Time Currency + Energy Currency = Aligned Goal

The problem is that most people don’t have clearly defined goals that they are willing to pursue, no matter the energy cost. I know I get distracted from writing, for example, because an email will pop up. Once I turned off the email notifications, I became more productive. A simple example but one that can be repeated throughout the day.

A quick way to know if your goal is aligned

How do you know when your goal is aligned? Remember, everything is energy, including your thoughts, desires, and future goals. When you see yourself as an energetic being using the currencies of time and energy, it becomes easier to know when a goal is aligned.

An aligned goal is energy arising from all aspects of your being:

  • mental

  • physical

  • emotional

  • spiritual

When you check into each area and discover that it’s either a go or no-go, you will know you are in alignment with your goal. Even one area out of sync can sabotage your efforts.

Remember that your body is always in the present moment. Your body has its own intelligence that you can use to shape your goals. Kinesiology techniques provide a quick way to make a decision and move forward. One of these techniques is called the “sway test.”

The purpose of the sway test is to confirm or deny a statement to determine whether it is true in the present moment. The statement should elicit a “yes” or “no” answer from your body as it sways forward or backward.

  1. Stand with your feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart, your arms hanging loosely at your side. Breathe deeply several times and loosen your body.

  2. When you feel centered, rest on your feet and ask yourself, “My name is ______.” Use someone else’s name. Notice whether your body sways forward or backwards. The reason you use someone else’s name is to establish whether forward is “Yes” and backwards is “No.” When your body sways backwards at the declaration that your name is ____, confirm your correct name. “My name is ____” and notice if your body sways forward. If so, you are ready for the next step.

  3. Take a few more deep breaths. State your goal like this: “It benefits me to __________.” State the goal as if it has already happened. Do not state a future event. Remember - your body is in the present moment. If you are making a decision that leads to a future scenario, feel as if it has already happened before you use the sway test. Notice whether your body sways forward or backwards. If it stays neutral, try stating the intention a different way.

I have used the sway test for many small decisions, as well as some major ones. It is a useful tool when your mind is going in circles and you can’t seem to see a clear path forward. I also use it to confirm a goal I have set for myself to ensure that it is how I want to spend my time and energy currencies.


Now that you know the two currencies, you will start noticing how you spend your time and energy. Hours on social media may not be a great way to spend your time currency. Why not take a walk instead? Being upset, judgmental and angry may not be a great way to spend your energy currency. Why not meditate or exercise?

Only you can moderate your decisions. Only you can choose again.

To your prosperity,


P.S. I wrote a short e-book about how to live from the energy of abundance. Life flows through you as you allow the energy to be expressed and experienced. Click on the image below and start your prosperity journey.

Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.