Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Who are You Being?

Who are You Being?

When you start with being, everything else flows.

Hello Empowered Wayers -

I have met so many wonderful writers and spiritual seekers. As I reveal my journey to others, it attracts like-minded people. And the deeper connections are made.

That happened with Cheryl Carina, the author of


I followed her newsletter and she followed mine. We began commenting and reposting each other’s content, and that’s when I knew we had to connect.

This conversation is the result.

Listen with an open heart. Allow the energy of our words to resonate and rejuvenate your own energy.

During this conversation, I felt seen and heard by Cheryl. She told me after we turned off the recording that she felt the same.

That’s why it’s called Empowered Way. Because you empower another when you see and hear them. And you see yourself as them.

The mantra I use to see another and hear them is:

Please take a moment and support Cheryl. She is on fire to become a coach and healer. As you encourage her, you are also encouraging yourself, because giving and receiving are the same energy.

Thank you for being part of Empowered Way. I see you :-)



P.S. If you would like to appear on the Empowered Way podcast, please reach out and let’s talk. You can find me on Instagram and Linked In.

Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.