Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Wealth is Well-Being

Wealth is Well-Being

But you have to take the first step.

Hello Empowered Wayers!

This might be controversial, but wealth isn't about money.

  • It isn't your bank account.

  • It isn't your tax bracket.

  • Wealth isn't your income potential or your degree.

We have taken the concept of wealth and narrowed it to money.

One day, I was curious and looked up the origins of the word, "wealth." I was stunned by what I discovered.

The word "wealth" comes from an Old English word, "wele" or “weal.” In it's original form, "wele" meant "well-being."

Think about that for a moment. When you are “wealthy” in the original sense of the word, what does that mean?

What does “wealth” really mean?

Well-being includes all aspects of your life:

👉🏻 mental

👉🏻 physical

👉🏻 emotional

👉🏻 spiritual

It's so much more than money. It's about balance and alignment with yourself, your energy, and the Universe.

When you focus on building wealth as well-being, you tap into a beautiful, creative energy. Think of it as "wealth energy."

When you tap into this infinite supply of creative energy, your life changes instantly.

Welergy is the secret to a meaningful life

Wealth energy comes from an infinite source. It is always available and can be used to create the life of your imagination.

I call it "welergy."

As you use welergy to experience being wealthy, your well-being is guaranteed. Wealth becomes your internal state of well-being. As your inside world shifts and connects to welergy, notice how your external world shifts.

As you step into welergy, you begin to experience:

⚡ life defined by you;

☮️ presence and mindfulness; and

☀️ awareness of your role on planet Earth.

Won't you join me in expanding the definition of wealth?

Bring your attention and intention to your well-being. Begin each day with gratitude. Meditate. Journal. Read spiritual books.

Live from welergy and notice your relationship to money pivot. You will no longer measure your value by your bank accounts.

Deep down, you know that you will never be satisfied in a world that defines wealth externally.

Instead, focus on your well-being, using welergy to guide you. That’s why it’s called Empowered Way :-)



P.S. Discover more about the spiritual side of wealth. I wrote “The Money Tree” to open your awareness of what is possible when you allow Divine Love to guide you. You can read it for free on Kindle Unlimited. How’s that for being wealthy?

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Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.