Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
The Secret of Abundance - Part II

The Secret of Abundance - Part II

It all starts with integrating and aligning your energy first.

Hello Dearest -

In my last newsletter, I showed you the difference between masculine and feminine energy related to money and wealth. It’s important to know which energy you are in, because you may be creating something you don’t want.

Awareness leads you to make a difference choice in the moment.

We have been trained to follow the formula of Do - Have - Be, which has created competition, wealth gaps, and poverty thinking.

There is another way. Everyone has the power to use it. It’s the secret of abundance.

I call it the Empowered Way Creation Formula.

The first step isn’t masculine energy

Masculine (linear, goal-driven) energy is the outward, action energy. It’s measurable, quantitative, and outward focused. We need masculine energy to get things done and to move forward. I call it the “doing” energy.

But if the only energy you use to create wealth and abundance is “doing” energy, you may find yourself:

  • feeling unworthy and judgemental;

  • wondering if you were ever meant to have money;

  • experiencing shame and guilt;

When you start with “doing” energy, that means you don’t have what you seek. It places being at the end of the steps, connecting your value to the results. Happiness, abundance, or security is only achieved at the end of the process.

We have placed the doing energy first and forgotten that it isn’t the first step in the Empowered Way Creation Formula.

What is the Empowered Way Creation Formula?

There are several key concepts that support the Empowered Way Formula:

  • Everything is energy, including your thoughts;

  • Your dominant thoughts create your reality;

  • You are free to change your thoughts at any time;

These concepts may seem too far-fetched to be true. I respect your hesitancy to go down the rabbit hole of thinking this way. Please keep your mind open for a few more moments.

Assume that your thoughts create your reality. Remember a time when you felt good about your finances and you expected more wonderful things to happen to you. Didn’t you discover that even when a negative event occurred, you knew it would be okay?

Turn it around and remember when you felt negative and fearful about money (It may be right now). Don’t you find yourself looking for more ways to prove that you’re in trouble?

The point of these scenarios is to raise your awareness of what’s behind the curtain of your reality. That’s right — your thoughts. As you think, so shall you be. As you notice it showing up in your physical world, you continue to think the same thoughts.

It’s a never-ending cycle of negative or positive energy.

Remember, you can’t create from the same energy that is keeping you stuck. But you can change the energy from negative and limiting to positive and expansive. That’s why you have to dive into the first step of the Empowered Way Formula.

The first step: Being comes before doing

The world wants us to live as humans, but we are designed to live as beings. Instead of human beings, why not step into being human?

Think of being as your energy signature. Being starts from your inner world and moves through your consciousness to the physical world of time and space. Intentionally setting your being energy is an inside job. It can’t be measured or quantified, but it is fluid, flowing and connected to something greater than you.

You could almost say that being is feminine energy.

It’s difficult to explain in words, but you know it when you experience it. Being energy can be positive or negative, active or passive. The key thing to remember is that you decide your energy signature — your state of being.

Examples of being include:

  • fear, doubt, anxiety

  • love, joy, compassion

Remember that we live in a dualistic world of opposites. Fear is an energetic state of being, just like it’s opposite, love. The being state that you choose (remember you are at choice in every moment), held consistently and persistently, will eventually show up in your outer world.

The pollution of the planet is only an outward reflection of an inner psychic pollution: millions of unconscious individuals not taking responsibility for their inner space. -Eckhart Tolle

What would your world look like if you took responsibility for your inner space? When you start making better choices about your beingness (love instead of fear), the ripple effects are infinite.

I can’t persuade you. The only thing I can do is show you a different way to live.

Start with an elevated being energy and know that you are it. Allow the energy to move through you and listen for the next step. As you breathe in the higher energy (love, compassion, gratitude), the step of “doing” will make itself known. Because you are already being what you desired, whatever you receive will feel like a miracle!

Thank you for reading to the end of this rather long newsletter. I am passionate about showing you that you can be abundant this moment.

To your prosperity,


P.S. Remember Flow, the Money Tree? In Chapter 11, Flow learns the lesson of Be > Do > Have and experiences a miracle in the process. If you haven’t read The Money Tree, it’s free on Kindle Unlimited.

Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.