Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Reality Creation 101

Reality Creation 101

A short story about how we create our reality.

Hello Empowered Wayers:

I love to tell stories to teach, illustrate, and educate. This short story is fiction, but the lessons taught about Reality Creation apply to all of us. Please leave a comment at the end and share your favorite bit of the story.

I was sitting at the counter, waiting for my table. It’s fairly empty, but people are trickling in.

A young woman in her late 20’s walks in with her head down, a frown on her face. She’s dressed in athletic wear and her light brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She marches up to the counter, and the barista greets her.

“Hey Holly! How’s it…”

He stops in mid-sentence, because he noticed her frown and downbeat energy. His voice tone changes instantly as he asks gently, “Bad class?”

Holly sighs as she sits down, elbows on the counter, hands holding her head. “I was supposed to have 20 students in my yoga class at 3:00 today, but only 2 showed up.”

“Man, that’s tough. Do you want a double expresso?”

“Yea—that would be great. I need a pick me up after that horrible showing.” Holly sighs and mutters to herself, “How am I going to make rent this month?”

I couldn’t help myself. I asked her, “What if your students weren’t the source of your income?”

She reared back in surprise. “That’s crazy—of course they are!” Her energy became even more erratic as she recoiled emotionally, mentally, and physically from me.

I laughed and waved my hands in surrender. “Sorry—I didn’t mean to upset you. I know you’ve had a hard day.”

Just then, the barista brought her drink, which she cupped in her hands.

We sat silently for a few heartbeats, and then she turned to me. I looked at her calmly, waiting for the next question that always came from someone struggling with money.

“What other source of money is there?”

I smiled at her and gestured to one of the empty tables. “Why don’t we move over here for a few minutes?”

After we settled, I asked her, “You’re probably hungry–does your blood sugar get low?”

Holly laughed and said, “You know, I might be hungry. I didn’t notice because I was so upset about the low attendance.”

“Great! Let’s share an appetizer and talk. It might just change your perspective.”

She nodded and looked down, her thoughts returning to the stack of bills waiting to be paid.

I sat up straight in my chair as I pulled a notepad from my purse. “Let me show you how you see the world.”

She looked up, startled at such an idea, but her expression had changed from despair to intrigue.

What I drew looked like this:

“We think we will get what we want. But wanting something means you don’t have it.”

She nodded and smiled. “I can see that. I wanted more students to show up today, because I didn’t have them.”

“Exactly!” I pointed to the wavy lines at the bottom. “Everyone has access to the same Source Energy. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you grew up, or your skin color.”

“Okay…” she said, mostly to herself.

“Now, imagine Source Energy passing through your consciousness. How would you describe your energy or state of being when you first came in here?”

She laughed and said, “Full of doubt and fear.”

I flipped the sheet over and drew this on the paper.

“When the Source Energy moves through a consciousness filled with limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears, what is created?”

“Chaos,” she said with conviction.

I looked at her to emphasize my next point. “You don’t get what you want. You get who you are in that moment.”

“So the energy I am in the moment is what it will create in physical reality?”

“Yes, if it is held consistently. But if you feel good, then bad, then good, your results will reflect that as well.”

I pulled out a third sheet of paper and drew this:

“Are you starting to glimpse how you create your reality?”

She nodded thoughtfully. “When I am negative and upset, it changes Source Energy. When I am abundant and grateful, it does the same.” She paused as she thought about what she just said. “Wow!”

I smiled at her enthusiasm. “Experiment with this idea that the quality of your consciousness filters and shapes Source Energy.”

Holly kept staring at the three diagrams. “Can it be that easy?”

I laughed as I picked up one of the appetizers. “It’s as easy as ordering and enjoying this delicious food.”

“I’m not so sure.” She looked down at her hands and sighed. “I keep bumping up against walls and I can’t seem to find a way around.”

I nodded. “Look at the second diagram—the one full of fear. You described the physical results as ‘chaotic.’ Can you see that your thoughts and beliefs based on fear changed Source Energy?”

She thought about it for a moment. “Does that mean that Source Energy is neutral until we say it isn’t?”

I laughed as I said, a bit too loudly, “Bravo! You have just completed Reality of Creation 101.”

“What do you mean?”

“All species create with Source Energy. It’s neutral and infinitely available.” I paused to make sure she was following my logic. “But only humans decide to create intentionally or unconsciously.”

She shook her head and started gathering her things. “I will have to think about this,” she mumbled as she turned to go.

I stood up too. “When you know you are in fear, shift your focus to gratitude. When you doubt whether you are in the right field, shift your energy to love and abundance.” I paused and moved to hug her. I whispered in her ear, “Only you can decide who you are in the moment.”

She pulled away from me and looked me in the eye, deeply. “Thank you,” she breathed.

As she moved toward the door, she turned around and asked, “How can I learn more about this?”

“It’s called Empowered Way. Go to my website and let’s keep talking.”

She smiled and stepped out onto the street. I returned to the table and enjoyed the rest of the food.

As I paid the check, I thought to myself, “Thank you, Universe, for giving me an opportunity to show another person how they can change their life.”

If you are a woman who struggles with finding your way in the world, please reach out. Empowered Way Coaching is designed to help you discover your own truth and place in the world.

Hop on my calendar and let’s explore the possibilities.

Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.