Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Money Isn't Real - It's Energy

Money Isn't Real - It's Energy

When you accept this, it changes everything.

Hello Empowered Wayers!

Welcome to another discussion about money. It’s one of my favorite topics, because how you treat money is a reflection of who you are being.

When you are fearful, money becomes a monster waiitng to destroy you.

When you are love, money flows through your experience, easily and effortlessly.

You’re probably shaking your head, saying to yourself, “That’s too simple. Money doesn’t work like that.”

As long as you think that way, it won’t. But what if you could change your thinking and discover a new way to be with money?

Masculine v. Feminine Energies

Follow the bouncing ball connecting the dots:

  • Money is energy that responds to your state of being.

  • Masculine energy is linear, goal-driven, action-orientated, and quantative.

  • Feminine energy is fluid, flowing, intuitive, and qualitative.

When you are full of fear, which energy do you tend to use? For most people, it’s masculine energy, because you are driven to take action and control the situation.

When you are full of love, you probably lean into your feminine energy. Peace, joy, and gratitude naturally flow through you and your needs are met in miraculous ways.

One type of energy is not better than the other; it’s the balance between the two states of being that helps us navigate through life.

When you recognize that money is energy that responds to your energy (state of being), you can intentionally set your inner state to higher energetic levels. It’s not what happens outside of you - it’s who you are being.

What to do Next

  1. Start a Money Journal - a place to write down the insights you discover about how you treat money. Create experiments, such as only seeing abundance for a day, then write about your experience.

As you begin to notice your thoughts and the impact they have in your life, you will step into your power to choose. Instead of habitually behaving a certain way when an unexpected bill arrives, more uplifting possibilities will be apparent.

  1. Start a Meditation Practice - spend quiet time becoming aware of Who You Really Are. You are made from Divine Consciousness and that means you are Divine Consciousness. You have the power to create in every moment.

Your awareness of how you create explodes as you begin to connect which thoughts produce that result. Negative or fearful thoughts create much differently than positive, loving thoughts. Then you get to choose again. To learn more, please follow me on Insight Timer.

Begin to see everything as energy and you return to your power. To create and re-create your life in the grandest version of the highest vision you hold about yourself.

Love & Light,


Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.