Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
How to Build Your Wealth House

How to Build Your Wealth House

Use 5 universal concepts and create a new reality.

Hello Empowered Wayers -

I chased the concept of “wealth” for many years, but I never seemed to reach the final goal. There was always something more to achieve or obtain.

It wasn’t until I learned that the word “wealth” comes from an Old English word, “wele” that I realized my mistake. Wele = well being. We have taken a beautiful concept and narrowed it to a sliver of its original meaning.

Would you like to feel wealthy, based on well-being?

How to Build Your Wealth House

We are surrounded by a sea of intelligent energy that conforms to our thoughts. Think negative thoughts and watch what happens. Shift to positive, uplifting thoughts and the results will be completely different.

Being energy is the creative force of the Universe.

As you build your Wealth House, keep these five elements in mind.

1Foundation: You are always connected to the Divine Matrix. When you choose to experience only abundance, gratitude, or happiness, you will discover more of the same. Repeat this mantra often: “I am abundant, surrounded by infinite abundance.”

2Walls: To support your journey, meditate and journal daily. It’s a 20–30 practice that yields more than you can imagine. I have created several meditations to get you started.

3Roof: Cover yourself with Divine Love and know that you are always protected, safe, and loved. When doubts enter your thoughts, repeat this mantra: “I am safe and protected. I am loved.”

4Doors/Windows: Use your daily interactions as the portals to share and extend love. As you give more, you receive more.

5Wiring: Stay connected to your source and allow yourself to be guided. Your consciousness of connection is the wiring through which the energy of the Universe passes.

No one can do this for you. When you are ready to step into your abundance and wealth, practice these five elements and notice what changes in your life.

➡️ ️Well-being becomes your normal state of energy.

➡️ Spontaneous moments of pure joy happen without warning.

➡️ Peace and fulfillment become your consciousness and you know that everything works out for your highest good.

Take a deep breath now and dive into well-being. It’s waiting for you to say, “YES!”

Love & Light,


P.S. I created a short, five day course to help you on your wealth-building journey. Alchemize Your Wealth in 5 Days is a short course with deep content. Learn how to peacefully create abundant wealth and change your relationship with money. Become your own Wealth Architect and live the life of your dreams.

Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.