Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
From Doubt to Empowerment: How Women Transform Their Finances

From Doubt to Empowerment: How Women Transform Their Finances

It's a mixture of mindfulness, education, and action.

Hello Empowered Wayers!

I am a Women’s Wealth Coach and Financial Planner. I chose this career path to help women, because of my own experiences in wealth building and financial planning.

My finances weren’t pretty. Even though I made a great living from practicing law, I never seemed to have enough. There was always another bill to pay or vacation to plan.

We were living the high life of advanced consumerism.

But there was a dark side. When my husband left his job, it was up to me to keep the ship afloat. Holes sprang up and we began to take on water. It was only after we took a hard look at our spending habits and changed direction that it felt manageable.

It took time, discipline, and mindfulness, but we righted the ship. Credit card balances were paid down, savings increased, and we actually began investing in real estate.

Looking back, the shift came when we decided that enough was enough. The way we were living wasn’t sustainable and things had to change.

What I find fascinating is that my husband moved through a different process of change than I did. He focused on action - make more money, follow a budget, set financial goals. I focused on transforming my shame and guilt to empowerment, an internal process. We both arrived at the same place of peaceful financial planning, but came from different orientations.

Women Experience Different Financial Challenges Than Men

I have coached women from across all financial levels. A few were well-off, but most of my clients struggled with invisible money issues.

As we worked through the Empowered Money Map process, they began to recognize limiting beliefs or old traumas that were holding them back. Through a combination of meditation, journaling, and visualization, they all discovered a new relationship to money and wealth.

Of course, every person’s experience with money is unique to them.

Women tend to internalize their mistakes and failures. Research studies show that when both men and women are faced with perceived failure, men tend to externalize the cause. Women turn within and blame themselves.

The result for women can be devastating. Repeated patterns of emotional spending, followed by shame and guilt. An internal decision to change, but getting triggered again and repeating the same pattern. It isn’t until you become aware of your hidden beliefs of unworthiness, feeling unlovable, or lacking knowledge that changes become permanent.

Coaching is the most effective way to address and transform the limiting beliefs that sabotage your best intentions. When coaching is combined with education about how money works, you are free to create an action plan to take advantage of your new found knowledge.

Financial Education is Also Important

When I was struggling with money, the last thing I wanted to do was read and learn about how money worked. I was so entrenched in my emotional turmoil that I couldn’t see the benefit of learning.

A friend suggested that I read Tony Robbins’ book, “Money: Master the Game,” that a light bulb came on. While I was uncovering my hidden beliefs, I could also learn more about the financial world and take steps to increase our financial future.

The combination of mindfulness, education, and action

is the key to transforming financial futures.

It can be the key for you too.

Please reach out if you’re ready for a change in your financial situation. Schedule a free Empowered Money Session and let’s talk!

To your prosperity,


P.S. I am also hosting an online webinar called, “Wine, Women, and Wealth.” It will be on Wednesday, 09.13.23 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., CST. Please join us for education, socializing, and networking with other women.

Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.