Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Don't Fall for the Myth of Money

Don't Fall for the Myth of Money

It's all about you.

Hello Empowered Wayers -

Money is the cause of pain, suffering, angst, and anger. But is it really Money’s fault?

From earliest childhood, you were trained to see money as something outside of you — a goal to reach so you could have what you want.

  • “Do all your chores and you will receive your allowance.”

  • “We can’t afford that — it’s too expensive.”

  • “Why can’t we go on vacation like my best friend?”

From young adulthood, you were encouraged to get a job, so you could pay for your own lifestyle. You probably defined yourself and your worth based on how much you made. I fell into that trap too. I left a job I loved because of the low pay.

The Myth of Money is that it exists outside of you. You have to bend yourself into a pretzel to have money come to you, and even then, it can seem like a wary animal that doesn’t trust you.

There is another way to be with Money.

Money Responds to Your Energy

When you step back from the messages from our consumer culture, Money is very simple to understand.

Money is energy that responds to your energy.

It took me many years to finally accept this statement. I believed the Myth of Money for decades and had a miserable relationship with it. The more angry and frustrated I became, the less money I received. I never knew it all started with me until I read the book, “It’s Not Your Money,” by Tosha Silver.

Instead of grasping and chasing money, Silver teaches that money is energy that comes from Divine Love. As you allow yourself to be open and receive this beautiful energy, it flows through your experience. Because you have opened the flow, you are free to give with ease and grace.

  • Your release of the grip on money allows it to flow.

  • Your offering it back to Divine Love encourages the flow.

  • Your openness to receive allows the flow to continue.

Step out of the Myth of Money and into the flow of abundance.

Have you ever wanted to talk to a Money Tree?

During quarantine in 2020, it was painful to watch people’s lives being upended. The flow of money stopped for many and anxiety skyrocketed.

To help ease the pain and provide a different perspective, I asked myself, “What would a Money Tree tell us right now?” The answers I received became the book, “The Money Tree: Transform Scarcity Thinking to Empowered Wealth Consciousness.”

One woman told me, “I read it in one sitting — I couldn’t put it down! Thank you for writing this book!”

Another shared, “I have been waiting for a story that explains the Law of Attraction in a new way. I fell in love with Flow — are you going to write another book?”

Flow, the Money Tree, shares a new way to be with money. Your awareness of money’s energy, combined with knowing you are loved opens the way for an elevated relationship with money.

Let’s flip the Myth of Money out the window and live from abundance instead.

To your prosperity,


Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.