Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Awakening Presence: My Journey to Inner Power

Awakening Presence: My Journey to Inner Power

How Meditation Unlocked My Path to Self-Validation

Hello Dear Readers!

I ignored my presence for many years, always thinking that I would succeed if I just pushed harder, worked longer, or showed up like the guys around me.

Little did I realize that I had bought into a system designed by men for men to succeed. Women who tried to join the club were not encouraged (or allowed into the inner sanctum), no matter how hard we tried or how good we were.

I finally woke up to the fact that I was just as powerful and accomplished as any man, but I had to do it my way.

I grew tired of feeling like the “other,” the person on the outside, the one who was left out. No matter what I did, no matter what course or training I took, I still did not succeed.

For one simple reason — it was on their terms, not mine.

How I found My Own Source of Presence

I finally looked long and hard in the mirror and saw a person with potential, infinite possibilities, and abundance. The problem was that I used the outside world as the measuring stick instead of following my internal guidance.

I stumbled on meditation by accident. I was attending a personal growth workshop and the teacher announced that we would meditate for 20 minutes of silence. When the teacher began the meditation, my mind went crazy with judgment, such as “This won’t work,” “I can’t sit here for 20 minutes doing nothing!” I could have stood up and left the room, but it would have been too obvious that I was not into “that kind of stuff.”

So I sat there. And felt my body slowly relax as my breathing became deeper. My mind stopped resisting, and I felt a sense of peace and calm that I had not experienced in a long time.

I knew there was so much more to meditation, and I began a daily practice, which has reoriented my perception of my value, worth, and place in the world. I also began to journal daily and these practices clarified my purpose.

All from spending 15–20 minutes sitting quietly, allowing my body, mind, and emotions to still.

What this Means for You

I am sharing my journey because you may have fallen into the trap of searching outside yourself for validation and approval. It’s a natural tendency to accept the standards someone else sets because they seem to know more than you do.

It’s just not true.

Imagine me standing in front of you right now. We are facing each other, looking into each other’s eyes. You glance away because a wave of doubt or shame has washed over you. I gently touch your arm to pull you back, and we look deeply into each other’s eyes.

What you see will astound you and chase all doubt and fear away.

You will see yourself reflected in my eyes. You will feel the connection and the unity of being human and sharing the same essence. And you will know, perhaps for the first time, that you belong. Right here, right now.

When you spend time connecting to the unseen, you will sense a deep essence that enlivens everything. That essence is also in you, waiting for you to see it, embrace it, and begin to express it as your presence.

Your essence is your wealth. — Rumi

Step into Your Presence

That tangible sense of belonging and essence is waiting for you for you to express it as your presence.

Have you ever met someone who is different from other people? Just by being in the same room or watching them speak, you know that they are coming from a different source of life.

I call it moving from Divine essence to individual presence.

I found it through daily meditation and journaling. I carry a sense of peace throughout my day, and I can return to it when I allow a disturbance to affect me.

It’s almost like carrying a magical wand that only you hold.

I have tried several different meditation apps and have discovered that Insight Timer works for me. It has more than 200,000 free meditations! My favorite teachers include Sarah Blondin (she’s amazing) and Davidji. But find your own favorites (and follow me on the app!).

Now is the Time

Now is always the best time to start.

You find peace, not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level. — Eckhart Tolle

You are the only person who can step into your own presence. Meditation is a way to dive deeper into the essence of you.

To your presence,


Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Learn how to live being human. Your being informs your doing.
When you connect inside, you experience a larger presence that begins to inform and guide you. Your heart opens and you begin to know the depth of love that created you. This is Empowered Way.