Empowered Way
Empowered Way Podcast
Unmask Your Money Beliefs
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -9:29

Unmask Your Money Beliefs

3 simple steps to discover financial freedom.

Hello Empowered Wayers!

The way you treat money reflects what you believe about yourself.

I discovered this truth the hard way. When I graduated from college with a psychology degree, there were not many jobs available. Graduate school wasn’t an option and I was a newly married bride who needed to find a job. Money was the brass ring and I was on a carousel of searching for that perfect fit where I could excel.

But employers were not lining up at my door.

Money was breathing down my neck as I became more desperate for the brass ring, which kept moving just out of my grasp. Finally, I was offered a job at a local bank to be a secretary. By this time, my dreams of an exciting job had morphed into a willingness to take whatever I could.

Money changed from being available (parents) to a monster that loved to torment me.

Your Beliefs About Money Influence How You Use it

It took me many years to realize that money is energy.

In college, when my parents supported me, money was a playmate that enhanced my first taste of independence. There were boundaries, of course, but I didn’t worry about whether I would have a cute dress to wear to the next dance.

During my next phase of independence, looking for a job with a liberal arts degree was eye-opening. When I received my first paycheck from the bank, it was spent on bills and the cost of living. My priorities had changed, and so did my relationship with money.

I began to resent that fact that money no longer played with me. I didn’t mind working hard to earn money, but my frustration of never getting ahead tainted my beliefs. The first year-end bonus made me feel like a kid again – let’s go play!

It was feast or famine – not a great way to be with money.

Looking back, I can see that my money beliefs created my experience with money. My beliefs and thoughts, not my circumstances, created my experience.

Shine the light of awareness on your beliefs and discover who you are with money.

Shine the Light of Awareness on Your Beliefs

You can only experience what you are aware of.

The expansion of your awareness is the key to transforming your money experience. When you become aware of the beliefs that motivate your money behavior, you take back control of your experience. Unmasking your beliefs is an essential step to financial freedom.

When I began using the following technique, I noticed the limiting beliefs I held about myself. As I changed my beliefs and connected with myself, I silenced the noise of the outside world and escaped the vortex of self-doubt, judgment, and fear.

Instead, I discovered freedom, clarity, and wealth.

Three Steps to Unmask Your Limiting Money Beliefs

You absorbed beliefs about money when you were a young child that are stored in your subconscious mind. Those hidden beliefs influence your decisions, your finances, and your well-being. Your lack of awareness of these beliefs keeps you stuck in the same financial vortex.

When you unmask your hidden beliefs about money, wealth, and abundance, your awareness expands and you now have the space to make a different choice. As your energy shifts and you continue to make different decisions, your experience also shifts from fear to freedom.

The following steps may seem too simple to transform your financial experience. Follow the steps consistently for 12 days, then decide whether they are worth your time.

  1. Begin a Money Journal and use it to record your limiting money beliefs as you go about your day. As you uncover what has been hidden, it triggers more insights.

  2. After three days of writing in your Money Journal, circle all the limiting beliefs. Write each belief in it’s own row and name the emotion that supports it. Then ask yourself if that emotion is based on fear or love. Remember:

    Fear-based emotions always contract and repel.

    Love-based emotions always expand and nurture.

    Look for patterns and create a chart that looks like this:

  1. Repeat Steps 1 & 2 four times, adding to your chart every three days. At the end of 12 days (and four cycles), you will have uncovered many core beliefs about yourself and money. You will also notice a pattern underlying your beliefs.

Look at your chart and notice how many beliefs are based on either fear or love. These beliefs either expand or contract your energy with money. Beliefs based on love produce more love. Beliefs based on fear produce more fear.

Both love and fear are creative, but love expands and fear contracts.

Move from Fear to Love and Discover Freedom

What do you do with your fear-based beliefs?

Sit with the fear, because it is trying to tell you something. Fear will only destroy you if you believe you are fear. When you sit with it, you create a gap between your awareness of fear, and the fear itself.

And you discover something quite remarkable. You are not your fear.

This one aha moment changes everything! If you are not your fear, then you must be something else, something bigger than fear. What that something is - that is for you to uncover. You could even say that your life is the journey to discover Who-You-Are.

I discovered that I was worthy of wealth, that abundance could be my dance partner, and that I loved to teach others how to uncover these truths for themselves.

Only you can decide to transform your limiting beliefs about yourself, your place in the world, and why you are here. As you unravel your limiting money beliefs, you create the space to choose expansive ways of being. The energy of money is attracted to love-based energy and your experiences will naturally shift as your energy shifts from fear to love.

And the next time you look in the mirror (and your bank balance), your smile will light up the world.

To your prosperity,


P.S. If you want to learn more about who you are with money, why not download my latest book, The Money Tree: Transform Scarcity Thinking into Empowered Wealth Consciousness.

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